Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow play!

We have finally been blessed with some snow where we live. I love the snow, kids love the snow! This year Baby T was old enough to really get into snow - literally and cognitively. 

Earlier in the week it was nice enough to go out side and enjoy the snow at the park. Baby T, her little mate Big A and I got to enjoy ourselves before anyone else came along so it was 'virgin snow'! The slide was the most fun as they pushed the snow down the slide with their boddies - sadly I had to be a spotter at the bottom as the gained so much speed they were flying off the end so no pictures of that.  

I was so glade that I was able to take the kids out in the fresh brisk air. I sometimes wonder if children are getting less and less of these opportunities to interact with the natural world for one reason or another and on a day like today if people are saying 'oh it's too cold to bring the kids out side!'. Anywho I did, snotty noses be damned they needed the experience, the fun and most of all the fresh air - in my opinion anyway. 

Today we did not have enough time to get all bundled up and go outside for what is apparently the last snowy day before we get freezing rain tomorrow - boo to that. Since we could not go out side to enjoy the snow I brought some in.  Enjoying the snow inside was wonderful. Were I used to work we would do it all the time and it does bring a whole new dynamic to play involving snow. The play is much smaller, there is less snow and it is in a confined space. I find it can be much more focused depending on the circumstance which leads to more in-depth exploration. Four our little snow play I gathered some 'clean' snow, a tub to put it in, a bunch of laundry scopes, an old apple sauce container and a penguin.  

This activity entertained Baby T for a substantial period of time, very nice for me to sit back and watch!  During her play she spent time, scooping, transferring snow, playing with penguin making tracks, squeezing the snow, dropping the snow (yes it gets a little messy - get a picnic table cloth from the dollar store if your worried), talking.  

Oh yeah and tasting the snow - who can resist, especially my little T who will put anything in her mouth - clean snow, it is important. 

So what is Taya learning, 

Language - as always I verbally observe her actions 'oh you are squishing the snow' 'does that cold feel cold on your hands?' 'look at the penguin tracks your making' etc  and she is talking to me though often in her own language still

Fine motor - small tools such as the scopes help her fine motor skills

There is tons more that she is learning too but the above are the major ones and my brain is half asleep... so let me get back to it!  

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