Tuesday, March 13, 2012

This and that

Thought I would write a quick post with some photos which shows the current play going on in our house. 

The other day I myself felt a bit board and I am sure Baby T was not board, she always finds something to do and things figure out in her growing world. Anyway I decided to set out a provocation for her to see what she  would do with it. This is what we did : 

I had acquired this great plexiglass tube from a beloved open ended art store in my area, I have had it for years knowing it would be fun with kids and it soooo it! So I pulled out the tube, gathered all the balls we have and put them in a basket underneath. Voila an hour of fun! Not everyone is going to find a tub like this but you could easily use a ramp. I have made them out of cardboard before and at the preschool I taught at we used a pice or baseboard or moulding from the hardware store. 

We ended up switching the balls for our pom poms and then used our blocks too! 

Aren't pom poms beautiful! 

I caught Baby T trying on a hat whilst looking at herself in the mirror so decided to put all her hats (man she has a lot of hats!) in  a basket by the mirror.

She spent a fair amount of time the first day trying on all the different hats and a hair band as well. She goes everyday or second day and tries on the hats. I love watching her. 

Her skill at putting on hats has improved a ton and watching her figure out the mirror and using her reflection to help her has been priceless! She has one hat that has ears, I called it her bear hat and she growls every time she wears it - cuteness! Will try to get a photo of the bear soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh T I love you!! such an amazing mom you've got as well!
