Thursday, March 15, 2012

They said....

They said it would only get better. Who are they? Random people and more often men who where talking to my husband as he strolled around wearing our baby or pushing the stroller. I didn't really believe it at the time or rather couldn't. I LOVED the baby stage, loved it so much I could not imagine it got much better. I thought they were just trying to make baby-daddy feel better about this little bundle that was not as attached to him yet. Well  fast forward one year and a bit  and  it so has gotten better and it just keeps getting better for our little family.

Just the other night as baby-daddy and I were getting in bed baby T stirred (we have a family bedroom and Taya sleeps next to me in her crib which we have as a sidecar). She must have seen her dad as all of a sudden she started to say "daddy? daddy!". I replied with "shh yes daddy is coming to bed, back to sleep" as baby-daddy creeped to the other side of the room to try and sneak into bed. Well that was not good enough for baby T she stood up and in a mater of fact tone said "HI Daddy!" then plopped back down to lie next to me. Baby-daddy could not help it and began to laugh, so did I and then Baby T started to. We laughed for five minutes and then as it got quiet again baby T fell asleep :)  I wouldn't give this up for the world!

So yeah unbelievably it gets even better and more rewarding. If we won the lottery I swear I would have a very big family, maybe we should buy a ticket! 

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