Monday, March 14, 2011

Sicky sick sick

So Baby T was sick..... for two long weeks and that's why the blog has been quiet. It was a pretty bad cold this time, a long persistent type of sickness complete with a junky chesty cough and a river running out of her nose. Well its bad when it's your first baby and your stuck at home in social isolation. 

Baby T, poor thing, was super clingy which is totally understandable, who wouldn't want extra comfort when their sick? To cope I wore her a L-O-T in the ring sling and the ergo. We even mastered the backpack carry in the ergo out of necessity to get some things done and out of boardroom! We had dance parties everyday with her in the ergo...good thing she loves music and dancing! Sadly her nighttime routine was thrown out the window. No longer would she go down at night sleeping soundly only waking to feed. No-oh- no Baby T needed me to be right next to her for comfort. So there I was going to bed with her at 7pm every night (thank goodness for my new itouch!). When I tried to sneak away she sensed it almost immediately, she caught on to my stealthy getaways and began laying down booby-traps (in the form of a leg or an arm strategically placed) so that if I dared move it she would know -smart  little bugger! Her eating routine also changed, though she was still keen on breast milk she was off her solids for a few days. 

So there we were in social isolation as baby T's nose ran like a river and coughed as if she was a 60 year old smoker. This meant no playgroups, no play-dates (coffee dates for me), no mom's group just me and baby T hanging out for TWO WEEKS. It sucked but its what you do so that others don't get infected. 

Thank goodness baby T is mostly better and we are able to resume our activities and socialize!!! She also is back on her old sleep routine (thought the time change has made it a little different) and she is eating like a pro again!

A few things helped us out while she was sick. First was our vaporizer which transported our room to humid Indonesia (luckily Mr and I grew up there so it was almost nostalgic!)  but it did help baby T to breath. Making homemade vapour rub (use olive oil as base, add drops of lavender, eucalyptus and murtle essential oils) and put it on her feet at every diaper change.... who knew vic or this vapour rub works when you put it on their feet!! 

The next few days I will post some new activity/toy ideas. Thanks for listening and if you have suggestions on what to do when baby is sick please leave a comment... it might help next time, cause there will be a next time. 

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