Saturday, June 16, 2012

Almost 2

So in one month exactly Baby T will really no longer be a baby she will be two!!  How the F* did that happen (excuse the language but I felt curing is required to stress the shock). Seriously were did the time go? 

I am finding myself more exhausted than ever with this stage of parenting. To me Baby T as a baby was way easier compared to this stage which is such a mental mind F* (sorry this might be a sweary post). When I was teaching preschool pre baby I had parents all the time come up and say 'I don't know how you do this for a living!' as if what we did was so much harder then parenting... um well in my book looking after 30 kids for 2 1/2 hours is super easy compared to one little attention needing monkey who tries to pull chairs into the kitchen so she can 'cook' when I turn my back. I blame those parents for giving me the false sense that having my own children would be easy (haha, I knew better but I think I let myself dream!). 

Of course baby T wants to help with everything! 

Baby T wants to get in on everything, she wants to be so independent one minute and then wants to hang onto me the next. She hangs onto me for dear life freaking out if I try to leave the room (yes we are going through stages of separation anxiety again, fleeting moments but they happen). I guess you could say we are both going through the same struggle of acknowledging the fact she is growing up and becoming her own person yet realizing she still needs to be close. Some days I just wish she could give me more then ten uninterrupted minutes to complete something and some days she won't let me to anything to help her (putting on shoes or socks etc). 

all grown up or trying to be it least

I always knew she would grow up and become a little person but the rate at which she is changing at the moment is seriously astonishing! Her vocabulary is increasing at a fast pace and the new words that come out of her mouth - where/ how does she remember! Just last night right before falling asleep she sang 'happy birthday', like the whole thing! We sang it once last weekend at a friends birthday and before that it has been months since we sung that song. We also need to be soooo careful with what we say, I know obvious right, but the other day I had the need to say 'Sh*t' but luckily stopped myself in time to say 'Shhhhhhah' little miss then looks at me and says 'Shhhhah!' phew glad I caught myself or she would be walking around saying 'Sh*t' on a daily bases and 'Shhhhah' is much better in my book. 

Although she can talk more these days I feel like this age is like having to live and work with a person who can only half speak our language and half another unknown language that you are forever figuring out - oh and you better figure it out fast sometimes or wooowee you might have a tantrum on your hands because you did not get what they are saying! For the record we do signing but sometimes Baby T would rather 'speak' and expects you to know her language. Last night at dinner Baby Daddy and I were taking guesses as to what she was saying and Baby T was laughing saying 'noooo'. Maybe Baby T was  laughing at what idiots we were that we could not understand her or maybe she was making stuff up on purpose?  

a video with us figuring out what she is saying and 'noooo'

Did you know that at 20 something months these littles can get very opinionated? I understand that they know what they like and don't like but what gets me is what Baby T is opinionated about. The first thing she was very vocal about was what music she liked and would let us know if she was not a fan of the music selection. Another one is what clothes, I get it if there is a fabric or texture she might prefer over another but no it's the colour or the style - really?? These days I give her two options on clothes so she can choose one of the options or it becomes a gong show, however if we are listening to music in the car or house we usually say that this is not a choice but we can put her choice on in her room (and if you want to go play by yourself and listen to music by all means!). Lucky for us she is pretty happy with most foods that cross her plate to for us that is a non issue (score!). 

Baby daddy and I still marvel at the fact that we made this little being. As crazy as she is and as frustrating as it can sometimes get she is amazing to us and we would not have her any other way. Being a parent is crazy, it is full of contradictions, it is tough but oh my the rewards of kisses, cuddles and love priceless! 

So now that Baby T really and truly has been slipping away from babyhood I think perhaps I should stop calling her Baby T on the blog, well it least not as of next month. Do I use her name or use the her pet name? Hmm questions.

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